New Year’s resolutions: How to stick to your running goals

If you’re like the majority of people making New Year’s resolutions, your goals are probably related to weight-loss, fitness or health. Since you’re visiting this site, it’s most likely your resolutions are related to running, so we’ve put together a few top tips to help turn your running resolutions into reality.

How to stick to your New Year's resolution

How to stick to your New Year’s resolution

1) Be realistic- Research has found that over 80% of people don’t stick to their New Year’s resolutions, so have realistic expectations. Pick goals that you can actually meet to avoid disappointment. Time yourself over a certain distance at the start of your training and aim to better that time by a few seconds every week. This way your chances of achieving are better and your running stamina is still bound to increase.

2) Reward yourself – If you’ve reached a goal in your resolution plan, treat yourself to something. Try not to use food as a reward. Instead, treat yourself to something that will benefit your running, such as some new running clothes, or a professional sports massage.

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